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About Our Classroom:

Welcome to
Room 204!


Hello and welcome to room 204! 
I am Mrs. McMonagle (formerly Gaffney), your 7th Grade Religion, and 7/8 Language Arts teacher. I am an Alum of ICS and Immaculata, and am so happy to be back at the place where my love for learning began! I have chosen to teach 7th Grade because I believe this is the year that you as students will learn so much about yourselves, your faith life, and the beginning of your personal and professional journeys. I am beyond excited to work with you in achieving those goals and forming the path to excellent decision-making both in and out of the classroom!

I am a graduate of DeSales University, in 2015 and again in 2018. I have received my B.A. in English, B.S. in Psychology, and Masters in Education (M. Ed). After my undergrad, I spent two years as an AmeriCorps VISTA, working with impoverished middle schools in Lehigh Valley, PA. In my position, I was able to implement several community health and mentoring programs, as well as renovate and build needed updates to the physical structure of the school systems; my most cherished being a food pantry, library, and computer center. My position in AmeriCorps has taught me so much about middle school needs, hopes, and dreams, and has given me a unique perspective on education that I hope to continue demonstrating at ICS.  I find it so important to teach students servant leadership, in which, especially as 7th graders - my class is able to take a bit more initiative within the school. I look forward to helping my students take on and excel in new leadership opportunities that teach them the gifts of compassion and social justice.

I truly love teaching and helping students express themselves.  I am very happy to be here at ICS and look forward to the year ahead!

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